Even the Driver is also Genius...

Even the Driver is also Genius....
As soon as we hear the term “Theory of Relativity” only person’s image flash in every one’s mind that is of Albert Einstein’s. Yes..!! He became globally well known and famous with his work on Theory of relativity.
Einstein was invited to give the presentation on his theory of relativity, and wherever he went, his driver also accompanied him and he sat in the last row while Einstein was presenting his theory after few presentations his driver told to Einstein that “Theory Of Relativity” is so simple, even I can give a presentation on it, Einstein was not annoyed by that instead he was happy that his theory is understood even by a Simple man who has no knowledge about science.
For the next presentation Einstein asked his driver to present the theory, in those days media was not a booming industry and hence the people at the place where Einstein was about to give the presentation dint know how he looked like, so Einstein’s driver was professionally and Einstein became the driver.
Finally his driver started the presentation and every one believed that he was real Einstein, he presented the theory very well and also answered every questions that were hurled at him as all those questions were same as the ones which were asked to Einstein at his previous presentations, but one person asked a very basic question which was not asked in any of the previous presentations given by Einstein, driver was so confused that he didn’t know what to do, then he came up with such a gem of an answer that displayed his very good presence of mind, any guesses what he might have told??
Here is his reply to the person who asked the question “You are asking such a silly question that even my driver can answer, he is sitting in the last row you can clarify it with him” and he finished the presentation…!!!
   "Everbody is a Genius...
         But if you judge a fish by its ability
    To climb a tree, it will live its
        Whole life believing that it's Stupid.."
                                                     - The Genius


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